Individual Consultations and Creative Healing Arts Facilitation 

I work with my eyes, hands and heart offering Intuitive Massage for Women, Vibrational Essence Consultations and Creative Facilitation for small groups from ' Wold Close' my home in South Cave , East Yorkshire. 

Individual Consultations 

I work using an integrative, holistic approach drawing from a rich toolbox of skills which I have developed over a lifetime of working and training within the Therapeutic and  Healing Arts field and bring a wealth of knowledge and hands on experience to my work. I originally trained in Humanistic Psychology, Deep Tissue Bodywork, Counselling and Person Centred Art Therapy , more recently adding Advanced Flower and Vibrational Essence Practitioner to my qualifications, my background is in Visual Arts  will always be an essential part of my life along with a deep love of Nature and Beauty which I consider to be my greatest teachers. I aim to bring gentleness, respect and deep listening to all my sessions, whether massage, essence consultations or group work. I enjoy working outside the box informed by my highly developed intuition alongside a deep faith and trust in Life and our body's innate wisdom. I love creating opportunities for others to expand into greater freedom, awareness and creativity which I consider an ongoing journey for us all. My curiosity and longing for Life constantly motivates, inspires and challenges me through both the good and the tough times

Creative Healing Arts Facilitation

I am interested in the Inner Life, expressions of the Sacred and what feeds and nourishes our Soul and Spirit. Taking time out of daily life creates opportunities to reconnect with our deep knowing and wisdom.

I facilitate small beautiful groups creating a safe held space which is supportive, expansive and encouraging. My intention is to empower others to be more authentic, brighter and to increase their self awareness and acceptance. Sessions are themed in harmony with the seasons or planetary and moon cycles and follow the flow and synchronicities that occur when we gather in a circle.

I have a wide range of carefully chosen resources including, art and craft supplies, natural materials , books and images which all add richness to the experience  Activities include drawing, free writing, collage, active imagination, sacred play  and  simple craft work  firmly grounded with body awareness, sharing and relaxation. As we begin to express ourselves through colour, form and imagery we move beyond our rational understanding, out of linear time and into the world of  symbols and metaphor – this is the place of story and myth, combined with careful facilitation deeper understanding, self- acceptance, healing and integration can occur.

This work is powerful and available to anyone engaged or interested in their own creative and spiritual development.